Diigo with Bigdoggpinc

Friday, November 24, 2023

Grateful to be of service. See many Black Friday deals and soon Cyber Monday offers up to After Christmas

I am your Eyeball Acquisition Specialist. Success in life, in anything, depends upon the number of persons that one can make himself agreeable to. Find ideas for shopping ideas from Bigdoggpinc. There is only one Bigdoggpinc = Big Dogg Productions Incorporated. I make a big deal for you! I cover alot of stores and services that have been posting deals as great or better than the one-time only Black Friday or Cyber Monday offers.

More people would shop online if they trusted the e-commerce environment more. This is where I have shined for decades. Being an affiliate marketer I have a solid way of backing you up when things need real customer support. When solid support from me you have backup you may not get going blind shopping online by yourselves. I do not stress there's enough because I counted on word-of-mouth instead of hype to prove myself. People are so sure they know everything I steer clear of know-it-alls!
Grateful to be of service. See many Black Friday deals and soon Cyber Monday offers up to After Christmas
Welcome to Diigo with Bigdoggpinc - https://www.diigo.com/profile/bigdoggpinc

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

My picks for books to help you step up your game in business posted by Bigdoggpinc

I am your Eyeball Acquisition Specialist. Success in life, in anything, depends upon the number of persons that one can make himself agreeable to. Find ideas for shopping ideas from Bigdoggpinc. There is only one Bigdoggpinc = Big Dogg Productions Incorporated. I make a big deal for you! I cover alot of stores and services that have been posting deals as great or better than the one-time only Black Friday or Cyber Monday offers.

Unscripted (first book)

BOOK ∙ 2017

MJ DeMarco - How to escape the matrix

What if Life Wasn't About 50 Years of Wage-Slavery, Paying Bills and then Dying? 

Tired of sleepwalking through a mediocre life bribed by mindless video-gaming, redemptive weekends, and a scant paycheck from a soul-suffocating job?  Welcome to the SCRIPTED club— where membership is neither perceived or consented.

The fact is, ever since you’ve been old enough to sit obediently in a classroom, you have been culturally engineered for servitude, unwittingly enslaved into a Machiavellian system where illusionary rules go unchallenged, sanctified traditions go unquestioned, and lifelong dreams go unfulfilled. As a result, your life is hijacked and marginalized into debt, despair, and dependence. Life's death sentence becomes the daily curse of the trivial and mundane. Fun fades. Dreams die. Don't let life's consolation prize become a car and a weekend.

Recapture what is yours and make a revolutionary repossession of life-and-liberty through the pursuit of entrepreneurship. A paradigm shift isn't needed—the damn paradigm needs to be thrown-out altogether.

The truth is, if you blindly follow conventional wisdom pushed by conventional people living conventional lives, can you expect to be anything but conventional? Rewrite life’s script: ditch the job, give Wall Street the bird, and escape the insanity of trading your life away for a paycheck and an elderly promise called retirement. UNSCRIPT today and start leading life— instead of life leading you.   

How To Win Friends & Influence People

BOOK ∙ 2020

Dale Carnegie - You learn how to gain powerful connections by mastering social skill.

How To Win Friends & Influence People
By Dale Carnegie

You can go after the job you want...and get it! You can take the job you have...and improve it! You can take any situation you're in...and make it work for you! Since its release in 1936, How to Win Friends and Influence People has sold more than 16 million copies. Dale Carnegie's first book is a timeless bestseller, packed with rock-solid advice that has carried thousands of now famous people up the ladder of success in their business and personal lives. As relevant as ever before, Dale Carnegie's principles endure, and will help you achieve your maximum potential in the complex and competitive modern age. Learn the six ways to make people like you, the twelve ways to win people to your way of thinking, and the nine ways to change people without arousing resentment.

How to Win Friends and Influence People

BOOK ∙ 2022

Dale Carnegie - You learn how to gain powerful connections by mastering social skill.

Updated for the first time in more than forty years, Dale Carnegie’s timeless bestseller How to Win Friends and Influence People—a classic that has improved and transformed the personal and professional lives of millions.

This new edition of the most influential self-help book of the last century has been updated under the care of Dale’s daughter, Donna, introducing changes that keep the book fresh for today’s readers, with priceless material restored from the original 1936 text.

One of the best-known motivational guides in history, Dale Carnegie’s groundbreaking publication has sold tens of millions of copies, been translated into almost every known written language, and has helped countless people succeed.

Carnegie’s rock-solid, experience-tested advice has remained relevant for generations because he addresses timeless questions about the art of getting along with people. How to Win Friends and Influence People teaches you:
-How to communicate effectively
-How to make people like you
-How to increase your ability to get things done
-How to get others to see your side
-How to become a more effective leader
-How to successfully navigate almost any social situation
-And so much more!

How to Win Friends and Influence People is a historic bestseller for one simple reason: Its crucial life lessons, conveyed through engaging storytelling, have shown readers how to become who they wish to be. With the newly updated version of this classic, that’s as true now as ever.

How to Win Friends and Influence People + How to Stop Worrying and Start Living : Dale Carnegie's all time International Best Selling Self-Help Books Ever Published.: Dale Carnegie's all time International Best Selling Self-Help Books Ever Published. 

(Revised) BOOK ∙ 2022 

 Dale Carnegie You learn how to gain powerful connections by mastering social skill.

How to Win Friends and Influence People + How to Stop Worrying and Start Living: Dale Carnegie's all-time International Best Selling Self-Help Books Ever Published. (Revised) by Dale Carnegie: This combined edition presents two of Dale Carnegie's most influential works. "How to Win Friends and Influence People" and "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living" offer readers a comprehensive guide to personal and professional success.

Key Aspects of the Combined Edition "How to Win Friends and Influence People + How to Stop Worrying and Start Living (Revised)":
Comprehensive Self-Help: The combined edition provides a holistic approach to personal growth, covering both relationship-building and stress management.
Timeless Principles: Dale Carnegie's principles continue to be relevant and effective tools for improving one's life.
Revised and Updated: This edition includes revisions and updates to ensure the continued applicability of Carnegie's teachings.

This revised edition combines the wisdom of Dale Carnegie into a single volume, offering readers a comprehensive resource for self-improvement and success.

Dotcom Secrets

BOOK ∙ 2020

Russell Brunson - this reveals how to setup your online business.

Master the science of funnel building to grow your company online with sales funnels in this updated edition from the $100M entrepreneur and co-founder of the software company ClickFunnels.

DotCom Secrets is not just another "how-to" book on internet marketing.
This book is not about getting more traffic to your website--yet the secrets you'll learn will help you to get exponentially more traffic than ever before.

This book is not about increasing your conversions--yet these secrets will increase your conversions more than any headline tweak or split test you could ever hope to make.

Low traffic or low conversion rates are symptoms of a much greater problem that's a little harder to see (that's the bad news), but a lot easier to fix (that's the good news).

What most businesses really have is a "funnel" problem. Your funnel is the online process that you take your potential customers through to turn them into actual customers. Everyone has a funnel (even if they don't realize it), and yours is either bringing more customers to you, or repelling them.

In this updated edition, Russell Brunson, CEO and co-founder of the multimillion-dollar software company ClickFunnels, reveals his greatest secrets to generating leads and selling products and services after running tens of thousands of his own split tests.

Stop repelling potential customers. Implement these processes, funnels, frameworks, and scripts now so you can fix your funnel, turn it into the most profitable member of your team, and grow your company online.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

The Hacker Wars

I am your Eyeball Acquisition Specialist. Success in life, in anything, depends upon the number of persons that one can make himself agreeable to. Find ideas for shopping ideas from Bigdoggpinc. There is only one Bigdoggpinc = Big Dogg Productions Incorporated. I make a big deal for you! I cover alot of stores and services that have been posting deals as great or better then the one-time only Black Friday or Cyber Monday offers.

The Hacker Wars


The Hacker Wars takes you to the front lines of the high-stakes battle over the fate of the Internet, freedom and privacy. The Hacker Wars tells the tales of the anarchic troll provocateur Andrew “weev” Aurenheimer, prodigy hacker hero Jeremy Hammond, and incendiary watchdog journalist Barrett Brown — three larger than life characters whose separate quests to expose the secrets of empire hurled them into a fateful collision course with shadowy corporations, the FBI, and ultimate betrayal by one of their own.

Get it on Apple TV

Get it on Apple TV


I am your Eyeball Acquisition Specialist. Success in life, in anything, depends upon the number of persons that one can make himself agreeable to. Find ideas for shopping ideas from Bigdoggpinc. There is only one Bigdoggpinc = Big Dogg Productions Incorporated. I make a big deal for you! I cover alot of stores and services that have been posting deals as great or better then the one-time only Black Friday or Cyber Monday offers.



Cereal Killer, Phantom Phreak, Crash Override...if these handles appear on your computer screen, you're beyond saving--consider yourself hacked. In this cyberpunk thriller, a renegade group of elite teenage computer hackers rollerblade through New York City by day and ride the information highway by night. After hacking into a high-stakes industrial conspiracy, they become prime suspects and must recruit the best of the cybernet underground to help clear their names.

Get it on Apple TV

Watch on Apple TV

Hacksaw Ridge

I am your Eyeball Acquisition Specialist. Success in life, in anything, depends upon the number of persons that one can make himself agreeable to. Find ideas for shopping ideas from Bigdoggpinc. There is only one Bigdoggpinc = Big Dogg Productions Incorporated. I make a big deal for you! I cover alot of stores and services that have been posting deals as great or better then the one-time only Black Friday or Cyber Monday offers.

Hacksaw Ridge


Mel Gibson brings to life the incredible story of Pfc. Desmond T. Doss whose fight to do his part in World War II began at home where he was maligned for enlisting as a pacifist--and then on the battlefield at Okinawa where his heroics as a medic would earn him the Congressional Medal of Honor. Andrew Garfield stars as this real-life hero whose valor never required a weapon.

Get it on Apple TV

Watch on Apple TV

Halo 4-Film Collection

I am your Eyeball Acquisition Specialist. Success in life, in anything, depends upon the number of persons that one can make himself agreeable to. Find ideas for shopping ideas from Bigdoggpinc. There is only one Bigdoggpinc = Big Dogg Productions Incorporated. I make a big deal for you! I cover alot of stores and services that have been posting deals as great or better then the one-time only Black Friday or Cyber Monday offers. Search for me as "Govvi with Bigdoggpinc"

Get it on Apple TV

Watch on Apple TV

Halo Legends

I am your Eyeball Acquisition Specialist. Success in life, in anything, depends upon the number of persons that one can make himself agreeable to. Find ideas for shopping ideas from Bigdoggpinc. There is only one Bigdoggpinc = Big Dogg Productions Incorporated. I make a big deal for you! I cover alot of stores and services that have been posting deals as great or better then the one-time only Black Friday or Cyber Monday offers. Search for me also as "Govvi with Bigdoggpinc"

Halo Legends


This sweeping science-fiction saga delves into the rich Halo universe with 7 exciting stories (told in 8 parts) focused on Master Chief's mysterious origins, the Spartans' advanced combat capabilities and the tense rivalry between Spartans and Orbital Drop Shock Troopers (ODSTs). Created in collaboration with some of the world's leading animators from Japan, Halo Legends draws you into the center of humankind's ongoing battles with the Covenant, dynamically depicted in cutting-edge animation styles that deliver breathtaking visuals and gripping adventure. Go beyond the game – and join the roll call of Halo Legends.

Get it on Apple TV

Watch on Apple TV